How to know you’ve been living in a single girl apartment too long

So I’m seeing this guy right now and pretty much for the last several weeks, I’ve been staying at his place or he at mine (more so my place lately, since I work earlier and I hate having to do the subway of shame at 6am.)

However, we’ve only been seeing each other for… 2 months now? And while it was nice in the beginning to have someone to chill/cuddle with at night, I’m starting to feel a bit claustrophobic and all my single-girl tendencies are coming out.

Having lived the life of a single girl for the most part of 3 years, certain habits and tendencies are more than likely to have developed. A few quick examples:

  • I am proud of and high maintenance about my hygiene, so I expect him to be too (brushing teeth, washing your face at night, etc)
  • If you’re going to sit on my bed, don’t be fucking filthy and put your socks on the bed. Actually, just shower before you get in my bed. Thanks.
  • Respect my shit, I’m not your bro, don’t treat my place like your boy’s basement mancave.
  • I don’t always want to cuddle or have sex. Yeah, you heard me. I’ve been single for a long time, that means I need my space. Don’t suffocate me or expect me to invite you over for sleepovers every night.
  • I have friends, and plans to go with them! So don’t expect me to go into full gf mode and devote all my free time to you.

Wow. It’s funny how your priorities change when you get into a relationship.